Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan FY2022-FY2026


The purpose of a Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan (MYTEP) is to identify and set exercise program priorities and develop a multi-year schedule of exercise events and supporting training activities to meet those priorities.

This document establishes a training and exercise program that:

  • Ensures personnel receive and maintain training consistent with their current and potential responsibilities;
  • Validates the skills, abilities, and experience of personnel as well as the Program’s plans, procedures, equipment, and facilities;
  • Addresses the range of hazards to which the university is exposed; and
  • Meets internal and external requirements and mandates.

The Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan (MYTEP) documents the timeframe of FY2022-2026.

It is considered to be a living document that can be updated and refined as needed. These priorities are linked to corresponding core capabilities, and, if applicable, a rationale based on existing strategic guidance, threat assessments, corrective actions from previous exercises, or other factors.

Relationship to Other Plans

Multi year strategic plan diagram


Relationship between the strategic (blue) and operational (orange) plans in the Emergency Management Program, with this plan highlighted in a red outline.

Program Priorities

Preparedness priorities should be established by senior leaders, informed by risk and capability assessments and be comprehensive to meet whole community needs.

These priorities guide the overall direction of an exercise program, and in individual exercises, these priorities guide the development of exercise objectives, related training, staffing, resourcing, and other planning activities to ensure individual exercises assess and validate preparedness in an integrated and coordinated way.

Priority Core Capabilities

For this MTYEP time period, the following FEMA Core Capabilities are prioritized:

  1. Planning
  2. Public Information and Warning
  3. Operational Communication

Strategic Plan Priorities

The current Tufts University Emergency Management Strategic Plan includes elements that inform training and exercise program priorities.

  1. Provide training and resources for Tufts University staff and faculty on roles, responsibilities, and expectations during an emergency event. This training will clarify reporting structures and communication pathways during emergency events.
  2. Provide yearly training to all emergency management group members and others most likely to participate in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
  3. Establish a training advisory group to begin process for the development of a multi-year training and exercise program.
  4. Conduct training and exercises as outlined in the multi-year training and exercise plan, progressively building to a full scale exercise by FY26.
  5. Provide information about the Emergency Management Program during new Student Orientation.

The above are excerpts from the Multiyear Training and Exercise Plan. The full plan resides with the Office of Emergency Management.