Emergency Management Program Policy

Purpose and Scope

This document establishes the framework within which the university community reduces vulnerability to hazards and copes with disasters. The Emergency Management Program provides for management and coordination of university-wide prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, continuity, and recovery activities, and supports related school and department activities, for all hazards that threaten life, property, operations, or the environment.

Roles and Responsibilities

University Leadership

The leadership of the university supports the development, implementation, and maintenance of the program, provides the necessary resources, ensures the program is reviewed and evaluated as needed to ensure program effectiveness, and supports corrective actions to address program deficiencies.

Executive Vice President

As the officer of the corporation responsible to the President for administration of university operations, the Executive Vice President is also principally responsible for the emergency management program. The Executive Vice President assigns the day-to-day responsibilities of program administration to the Office of Emergency Management. The Risk and Compliance Committee, chaired by the Executive Vice President, assesses program effectiveness through the metrics defined in the University Risk Register.

Provost and the Deans

The provost and the deans of the various schools, enumerated in article VIII of the bylaws, provide support for the program and assure participation by the schools in program initiatives.


The President, as the chief executive officer of the university, retains final authority and responsibility for the emergency management program. The president provides visible leadership support, endorsement, and engagement throughout the program.

Office of Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management, part of the Department of Public Safety and led by the Director of Emergency Management, is responsible for administering the program on behalf of university leadership.

  Emergency Management Program Committee

The Office of Emergency Management, part of the Department of Public Safety and led by the Director of Emergency Management, is responsible for administering the program on behalf of university leadership.

The Emergency Management Program Committee is a university-wide body made up of program stakeholders and is responsible for providing input and assisting in the coordination of the preparation, implementation, evaluation, and revision of the program. The committee is convened by the Director of Emergency Management and meets at least twice a year.

The committee shall review and assess the progress toward the current multi-year strategic plan every five years and on the occasion of such assessment shall update the multi- year strategic plan.


The committee shall be composed of members of the Executive Policy Group (EPG) and representatives of university schools, divisions, departments, and offices, and any such additional representatives as may be invited to participate by the Director of Emergency Management, including a representative of:

  • Auxiliary Services
  • Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Dining Services
  • Facilities Services
  • Finance
  • Friedman School of Nutrition Science& Policy
  • Health and Wellness
  • Human Resources
  • Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
  • Occupational Health
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Office of Residential Life and Learning
  • Office of Sustainability
  • Office of the President
  • Office of the Provost
  • Office of the Vice Provost-Research
  • School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Medicine
  • School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
  • The Fletcher School
  • Tufts Technology Services
  • University College
  • University Communications & Marketing
  • University Relations

A member may represent more than one division, department, or office at the discretion of the convener. Members serve at least one year, and continually until the appointment of a replacement representative for the member’s respective division, department, or office.

Compliance Training and Tracking

No specific training requirements are associated with this policy.

Approval Entity(ies)

Director of Emergency Management or designee

Approval Date

  • 06/03/2024

Executive Sponsor(s)

  • Executive Vice President
  • Vice President, Operations

Responsible Office(s)

  • Emergency Management


The University reserves the right to change this policy from time to time. Proposed changes will normally be developed by those responsible for the policy with appropriate stakeholders.

Review Cycle

Last reviewed on 06/3/2024. Next review date is 06/30/2029.

Related Policies

Emergency Operations Plan


EMAP Technical Committee. "Emergency Management Standard.” Version 2022. Emergency Management Accreditation Program. May 2022